WE welcome the Government’s call for universities to help their regions through the credit crisis as outlined in your report, “Universities told to help during economic crisis” (Echo, Jan 23).

Here at Newcastle University, we recently launched a ten-point plan worth many millions of pounds for precisely this purpose.

The plan includes a scheme of vouchers, valued up to £5,000 each, for small business to obtain specialist advice or training from our staff, subsidised courses for people recently made redundant to help them retrain for other work, and a major programme of building and maintenance works, brought forward from future years, to help the region’s struggling construction sector.

On Friday, January 30, from 10am to 3.30pm, we are holding a free, open event at which individuals and businesses can obtain details on how to take advantage of our offers. Further information about that event, and the ten-point plan in general, can be found online at www.ncl.ac.uk Professor Paul L Younger, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Engagement), Newcastle University.