STARTING school after the summer holidays is a busy time, but it can also be worrying for children with Type 1 diabetes and their parents.

Such children can live full and active lives at school, but starting school or changing teachers can sometimes be difficult.

It may be the first time parents have entrusted their child to someone else’s care for such a large part of the day. It may also be the first time a teacher has had a child with diabetes in their class.

Moving to secondary school is another challenge as children have to become more independent and more teachers need to be aware of their diabetes.

I was diagnosed aged five. My mother discovered there was a fine line between providing teachers with enough information and looking like an over-anxious parent.

The Insulin Dependent Diabetes Trust (IDDT) understands this dilemma for parents and also understands the need for teachers to have enough information to help them understand and care for children with diabetes.

To this end we offer free Parents’ and Teachers’ Information Packs which can be provided by contacting me on 01604-622837, via email at or by writing to the address below.

Bev Freeman, Children’s Co-ordinator, IDDT, PO Box 294, Northampton, NN1 4XS.