THERE are always two sides to any argument and David Johnson's criticism of the number of roundabouts being built on our roads (HAS, Oct 23) is a case in point.

When my American brother-in-law came to visit us several years ago he was mightily impressed by all the historical places of interest in the North-East as he himself is a keen historian.

When he was about to return home, I asked him what his 'stand-out' moment was of his visit.

He said: "Roundabouts – what a brilliant invention."

I agree that the Thinford roundabout on the A167 is a nightmare at times but that is traffic-light controlled with, unusually, five feeder roads which I presume would be difficult to control by traffic lights alone.

Roundabouts generally speaking ease traffic flow without always causing stopping and starting.

It is also worth noting that in most of the US one can normally turn immediately right at a red traffic light if the road is clear (equivalent to turning immediately left in the UK).

Worth considering over here?

Paul Turgoose, Newton Aycliffe.