ABINGDON Road Primary school in Middlesbrough

will open its doors to feed hungry children during the summer holidays

(Echo, Jun 24).

What a fantastic initiative spearheaded by new Mayor Andy Preston.

Holiday hunger is an issue rarely addressed, often ignored.

In 2013, the then PM David Cameron flatly refused help from the European Fund to help subsidise the costs of food banks.

The £2.5bn fund was titled “The European aid to the most deprived” and Britain was entitled to over £22m of the total pot.

The main reason it was rejected was down to sheer self-centred political pride. Britain is on the world stage as being one of the most powerful and richest countries in the world so was hardly going to admit it had a food bank problem.

Now here we are six years down the line experiencing a food bank explosion and the government who blocked the original fund are most unapologetic about it.

Thank goodness for people like Mayor Andy Preston, who is now appealing to other schools in the area who may want the same food bank support over the summer months to come forward.

I suggest as many as possible take up this offer, because as far as this government are concerned, they’ve well and truly abandoned you.

Stephen Dixon, Redcar