I WONDER if these so-called boffins ever sit back and think what a monumental cock up they have made in their decision to attempt to change our fossil fuelled modes of transport into silent electric environmentally friendly and driverless objects?

Do they honestly realise the amount of electricity charging points needed?

Also, like money, electricity doesn’t grow on trees, it is a bi-product.

Is everyone out there aware of the fact there are diesel vehicles out there that produce zero harmful emissions? Electric vehicles, like diesel, are another way of making jobs.

At one time petrol was a killer and diesel the saviour – now it’s electricity.

Has the world’s authority on this matter ever delved deeper and thought why not make them people-powered? Wow, that would be something really new wouldn’t it, as Barney Rubble shows his latest mode of transport to Transport Secretary Fred Flintstone.

John Cumberland, Rushyford