AGAIN we see the party-elected Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, showing the people that his claim that open government would be his policy is nothing but a sham.

After the recent speculation about whether his New Labour Government would call a General Election, he announces to the TV news programmes late on a Saturday that the Government would run its full term.

Since taking over from Tony Blair he has made more statements to the press on Government policies than he has to Parliament - this from a man who stated he would bring open government back to this country.

I think Sir Menzies Campbell has the right idea when he calls for fixed term governing periods to stop all this taking advantage of the electoral climate to extend the present elected period.

I would further attach that the resigning government can't take part in any immediate election for not fulfilling its present commitment.

This further strengthens my belief that the modern day politician puts what is best for him/her first, and then his/her party, with the people and country struggling to get into the equation.

This latest political activity is one of the reasons many people are now not taking part in the electoral process. It's showing itself to be conducted for the benefit of the few.

Peter Dolan, Newton Aycliffe.