WHAT good news! Elton John's pornographic photo has been removed from show at the Baltic in Newcastle. Bad news for the paedophiles, though.

I only hope that now the Baltic will show some responsibility and concentrate on exhibiting art rather than material that if owned and showed by F Bloggs, dustbin man, would find him arrested and put on the sex offenders register.

Elton John is a tremendous singer and musician, but some of his antics leave a little to be desired. He needs guidance rather than encouragement.

David Waring, Brompton, Northallerton.

NOW that Elton John's rubbish has been confined to the bin, shouldn't we be putting some true art in its place, like the mysterious stone faces which have had everyone guessing in North Yorkshire?

I'm certain they would look much better than Elton John on a pedestal! Irene Littlejohns, Tow Law.