ON July 21 I fell ill and was admitted to the Friarage Hospital in Northallerton.

My health deteriorated rapidly, and within a few days I was moved to James Cook in Middlesbrough. For about five weeks I was looked after in the Intensive Care Unit.

With the amazing support and care from the ICU team I survived and was eventually transferred back to the Friarage to their high dependency ward where I continued to receive wonderful care from so many caring health care professionals.

After a month on a general ward I was moved to the Rutson Ward, a rehabilitation ward where I was supported by another great team, including some very patient physiotherapists. They helped me regain my strength, my confidence and enabled me to return home on December 1.

I’ve been fortunate in my 82 years to have enjoyed good health, this is the first time I have had to spend so much time in a hospital. Before this experience I had heard negative reports about the NHS and was therefore really very surprised at the superb dedicated care I received in every ward during the 19 weeks of my stay.

It would be impossible to single out one ward or a few health care professionals for special praise, they were one big team who, working together, saved my life.

If I ever hear anyone saying a negative thing about our NHS I will put them straight. I have personally experienced the first-class service the NHS delivers, the health care professional who looked after me repeatedly went the extra mile in my care.

I was looked after by some amazing people and they deserve praise and a special thank-you, I am in no doubt that the staff at James Cook and The Friarage saved my life. We really must fund our NHS service properly and importantly we should pay a fair wage to the wonderful staff who work there, for next time it might be you who needs their help.

Ursula Bussey, East Witton