I SHARE Mrs Margaret Bond's fondness for the Jarrow Crusade (HAS, Sept 21) and have always believed it to be an important part of social history. The Jarrow Crusaders highlighted the decline of British industry which began after the First World War.

I also have a great fondness for "Red Ellen" Wilkinson, the Labour MP who organised the march, and would recommend her book - The Town That Was Murdered - to Mrs Bond for her grandchild's research into the subject.

It gives a good account of the march, including the fact that the Labour Party of the day opposed it and that the TUC advised trades councils not to help the marchers.

This point is seemingly lost to those on the left who hail it as a landmark in the history of the Labour movement, although they have never let facts contradict opinion.

Those who suffered due to the decline of traditional industry will always have my sympathy.

Des More, Darlington.