IT is now more than 70 years since the Jarrow Crusade when unemployed men from Jarrow, Tyneside, marched to London and stopped for the night in Darlington.

This was a non-political gesture, backed by all parties and most sections of the community. The then Bishop of Jarrow said that "it had the goodwill of all".

I remember that my great-uncle, a lifelong Conservative trade unionist, who had worked in the Jarrow shipyards, had a great respect for the Labour MP for the town, Ellen Wilkinson, who was one of the leaders of the crusade.

The mother of one of my friends donated blankets and food at Darlington Municipal Institution.

I should appreciate being contacted by anyone with memories of the event as my grandchild in Kuwait is researching the topic. I can be contacted on 01325-240282.

Margaret Bond (Mrs), Darlington.