WHAT an extraordinary outburst from Christopher Wardell (HAS, Sept 4).

Abdul Jaleel (HAS, Sept 1) did not suggest that anyone must "bow down to other cultures or snarl at everything that is remotely British". His perfectly reasonable remarks were not directed towards all British people, or even all patriotic British people, but towards "any Little Englanders out there".

Collins dictionary defines "Little Englander" as "a person who perceives most foreign influences on Britain's culture and institutions as damaging or insidious". Mr Wardell should not be so indignant. If the cap fits, he should wear it.

Mr Wardell is obviously very proud of his country, and tells us his father and grandfather fought for this country in two world wars.

So did mine, and so did thousands of Asians, West Indians, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs and others who came from all over the British Empire to defend their "mother country". Soldiers of all religions and ethnicities serve in the British armed forces to this day.

Whether Mr Wardell likes it or not, our once vast empire has left us with a multicultural and multiethnic Britain.

Pete Winstanley, Durham.