REGARDING the recent Heathrow Airport climate change protest camp, I would ask the following: a) Did the protestors have permission to occupy someone's property?

b) Bearing in mind domestic transport is responsible for 25 per cent of carbon emissions compared to seven per cent from aviation, did the protestors travel to the site by "shanks's pony"?

c) If these people really care about the local villages around Heathrow suffering from pollution, was it a responsible act to place their children in such an environment?

d) Will they ensure they leave the site as they found it?

My guess is the answer to all four questions is no. The landowner should feel free to do his bit for the environment, and spread his slurry over his fields as he would normally do at this time of year. I'm sure these "environmentalists" would welcome his contribution.

Kev McStravick, Darlington.