I WAS impressed by Heather Casson's letter (HAS, Aug 3). How right she was in conveying many ordinary folks' thoughts and remarks - how we are gradually becoming a miserable and rigid Big Brother state-controlled society.

For instance, the now degrading sight of men and women - many who are quite frail and elderly and some who have fought for this country in past and present wars - standing in groups like lepers outside workingmen's and Royal British Legion clubs, pubs and bookmakers, etc to smoke a cigarette.

Not only does it look uncivilised, it makes many people wonder where this injustice will stop because the anti-passive and smoking wallahs must be full of glee to get all their own way. One dreads to think where these remorseful fanatical pressure groups will strike next.

It doesn't make sense that more than half the owners of pubs and other places have to stand outside their own premises when, in fairness, a smoking room should have been provided.

Mrs J Lawler, Newton Aycliffe, Co Durham.