I ATTENDED the Bedale Town Council meeting where the matter of introducing traffic lights to the main crossing in the town was discussed and which you reported (Echo, some editions, Aug 15).

I was shocked to learn that the traffic lights may be imposed on residents to pander to the large volume of commercial traffic passing through the town.

These lights will only exacerbate and compound the problems in Bedale - traffic rat-runs, heavy commercial vehicles, lack of parking, traffic pollution to name a few.

Why aren't these problems being addressed first by our local politicians?

I'd be interested to view the evidence town councillor Mike Batty refers to when he states that lights were the preferred option among local people during an earlier consultation. How many local people took part in the consultation process?

The Bedale bypass may now be all but shelved, but introducing traffic lights will not solve the problems a bypass would have resolved.

Traffic lights at this junction will only increase standing traffic, noise and exhaust pollution, encourage impatient motorists to use side streets and reduce the number of parking spaces available for local residents.

Traffic lights, no. Bypass, yes.

Ian Watkins, Bedale, North Yorkshire.