I VISITED Darlington's Summer Market Spectacular on Saturday with my parents and five-year-old daughter. We enjoyed looking around the stalls and made a few purchases.

My daughter was excited as there was a man making really good balloon models. She joined a queue of a few teenage girls while I sat nearby - me being seven months pregnant and desperately needing a rest.

After half an hour of watching the teenagers going off with their wonderful models, the man packed his bag to move on and said we would have to follow him and queue again if we wanted a model. My daughter was most upset.

Why couldn't he have made just one more model, or made the models for the younger kids first? Why was I left to comfort my crying five-yearold all the way home?

I must thank the young girl who also waited patiently and got a balloon hat. She ran after us and offered my daughter her hat, but I couldn't take it, bless her. I didn't want her upset as well. It was a monkey that my daughter really wanted.

Perhaps if the modeller reads this he will take my views on board and next time cater for the younger fans first.

Mrs W Goold, Darlington.