CORRESPONDENT John Conlon (HAS, Aug 18) says that the only way to know which is the true faith is to look at the "one in which miracles occur".

The Bible records many miracles occurring within both the Jewish and Christians faiths, while miracles have been recorded within other faiths.

Many of the sacred sites found throughout Western Europe noted for "miracles" occurring originated as Druid sites which were adopted by Christians.

So if miracles occurred at these sites before the coming of Jewish, Christian or Muslim faiths, how then, according to the parameters set by Mr Conlon, can there be only one true faith?

CT Riley, Spennymoor, Co Durham.

JOHN Conlon suggests that one could recognise the "true" religion by the fact that miracles occur (HAS, Aug 18).

I would suggest that the "occurrence" of miracles is a characteristic of most, if not all, religions, both ancient and modern.

I am sure that even the Greeks and Romans, praying to their many gods, claimed that miracles occurred, children were healed, or disaster was averted, etc.

Eric Gendle Nunthorpe, Middlesbrough.