HEY Darlington Borough Council, well done. It's good to see something that works happen for a change. We are a market town and it is right and proper to see a big market here and because we have been pedestrianised it has been possible to spread it over a wider space.

This could have still happened if our original centre had been restored and pedestrianised, however, so that loss is still a source of sadness to me, as this four-day Summer Market Spectacular would have been even better set against a traditional backdrop.

The good effect of the huge market has been to attract lots of out-of-town shoppers who we hope will return regularly now they have discovered us.

The one worry is that if it happens too frequently the town's normal traders will suffer as the money will all be spent on the market and go out of town.

I don't know how other shops fared over the weekend, but my own business was down by £700 on the same day the previous year, and although the town was nice and full of people we were not that busy. Guess I'll have to consider getting a market stall.

Beryl Hankin, Guru Boutique, Darlington