I HAVE recently returned from a family holiday along the beautiful Solway Coast in Scotland and had the pleasure of visiting a number of locations. The free parking systems that are available in Dumfries, Castle Douglas and Stranraer put Darlington to shame. Shopping in those centres was so easy, thanks to the kindness of their local councils which supply ample free parking for visitors and shoppers.

I have never known a town like Darlington with regard to parking, and the sooner the borough council makes free parking spaces available the better it will be for town centre outlets which rely on our custom to survive and make a living.

While on holiday I never had to spend a pound to park my vehicle, yet here in Darlington it costs me that to park in the centre for one hour. Heaven help us if we accidentally exceed our paid parking time, as one of the many traffic wardens will pounce on us quicker than a fly on cow dung.

Christopher Wardell, Darlington.