IN reply to BNP members Ralph Musgrave and Carl Whelpdale (HAS, Aug 14) I can only repeat what I have said before - a successful multicultural society is held together by shared values and common laws. People should be free to practise their own religions and customs provided they respect the cultural traditions of others and abide by the law.

It cannot have escaped the notice of these two correspondents that forced marriages, "honour" killings and inciting murder or racial hatred are illegal, and the courts deal severely with such crimes.

In response to B Kidd (HAS, also Aug 14), I only regard the exemption of Sikhs from wearing crash helmets as "trivial" in contrast to the suggestions put forward by the above correspondents.

I also rode a motorbike for many years and always wore a helmet.

However, at the time I shared the view of senior Army officers who supported the Sikh position, pointing out that Sikhs serving in the British Army were exempt from wearing steel helmets.

Perhaps if significant numbers of Sikh motorcyclists were suffering avoidable injuries, and putting a strain on the NHS, I would change my mind.

Pete Winstanley, Durham.