IT is interesting that Alex Salmond's SNP has opened a dialogue with the Scottish people about the constitutional links between Scotland and the rest of Great Britain.

Their White Paper, or "national conversation", contains a wide range of options, but let's be honest, they are only interested in one of them - independence.

Mr Salmond is one of the craftiest politicians around and will carefully gauge public reaction before taking the next step. Above all, he will avoid a referendum until he is certain of victory. Does this strategy sound familiar?

In the meantime, we English sit on our hands and do nothing even though a free Scotland would have a considerable impact, especially upon residents of adjoining regions such as the North-East and North- West.

Are we so complacent that none of our politicians is prepared to open up a debate and perhaps suggest that, as partners in the 1707 Act of Union, we should also have a say in the matter?

David Lacey, Durham.