I DISAGREE with Chris Tarn's letter regarding multiculturalism in Australia (HAS, Aug 11).

I have visited Australia almost yearly since 1993 and have given up trying to count the different nationalities of the people I've met there.

Where Australia differs from us is that people are expected to be Australian first and then Arabs, Poles, Armenians, etc. This then gives the feeling of nationhood.

Traditional ways are not frowned on, but welcomed as a way for all Australians furthering their knowledge of the world.

True, conditions of those seeking asylum are very poor, but if they cope with them then they are fit to be Australians. I do agree that the Aborigines do not get a fair deal, but maybe the cost of asylum seekers is harming the Aborigine cause.

The first coloured immigrants were Chinese who arrived about 1850. It is a multicoloured race which is often forgotten. It is a beautiful country and we could learn many lessons from its lack of class system, where no matter where you are from it is eminently possible to thrive, as our own family can show.

Brenda Marshall, Darlington.

AUSTRALIAN Prime Minister John Howard's no-nonsense approach to immigration must be applauded.

How I wish he was in charge here.

I hope Gordon Brown takes note of Mr Howard and insists that immigrants wishing to live in the United Kingdom must be able to speak English, have a trade and respect our Christian values and way of life. We have far too many immigrants in this country, and tougher measures must be imposed to halt the invasion.

It is the values and traditions of us Brits that should be respected in this country, and not alien-like cultures that are thrust down our throats by our large immigrant communities and their allies in the Labour Party.

Mr Howard is a brave and remarkable man. I salute his tough stance on foreign migrants who wish to live in his society.

Christopher Wardell, Darlington.

WITH reference to Chris Tarn's letter about Australia and multiculturalism (HAS, Aug 11), I think if England took the stance Australia and other countries have, this country wouldn't be in the mess it is today.

Mrs Julia Bell, Newton Aycliffe, Co Durham.