WE don't seem to breed them any more. People who build a business on genuine, mutual loyalty and respect with their workforce, who leave lasting memorials of their joint success for the community, who link welfare and education with efficiency.

Men like Titus Salt (Saltaire), John Lewis (the Partnership), William Lever (Port Sunlight), the Cadbury family (Bourneville village and more). Mostly based on Quaker philosophy.

And in York, Joseph and Seebohm Rowntree. Leaving a memorial park and outdoor swimming pool, beautiful gardens and children's playground in the suburbs, theatre, library, convalescent seaside holiday home, a village for low earners with living rooms facing south and two fruit trees in the garden, schools, four social trusts and a thriving business employing 12,000 and worth £2.5bn before being sold on eight years ago. What York family hasn't benefited from the old Rowntrees?

We let foreigners buy the results of our past labour, tamper with and send away the products (even customer care phone-in centres, which they are brazenly trying to bring back as new benefits).

Run them down, move out lock, stock and barrel, sell off the land at huge profit made so by tourism and the demand from the South and off they go to greener pastures.

George Appleby, Clifton, York.