ON Sunday, August 5, the B6309 road from Ebchester to Corbridge was closed for a day for tree felling.

Signs were displayed for ten days prior to inform motorists.

Since August 5, a diversion sign has been displayed at Shotley Bridge diverting traffic away from the B6309 towards the A68 at Cartaway Heads.

I phoned County Hall on Wednesday, August 8, telling them of the oversight in not removing the sign, was thanked for my observation and was assured the sign would be removed.

On the day of writing, August 11, the sign was still there - blocking the footpath, and causing pedestrians to step into the road.

I believe it could be classified as litter, albeit expensive council tax paid for litter.

I have no way of knowing how many motorists have been affected, and how many extra miles have been travelled, due to this redundant sign, but it must have significantly expanded the carbon footprint.

Is this an example of Durham County Council's traffic management efficiency, or its inefficiency and contempt for the travelling public?

PW Anderson, Consett.