BREXIT certainly causes Selective Memory Syndrome, and Tom Cooper clearly shows how the syndrome can distort the facts (HAS, Sept 11).

His topic is lies and he mentions both the £350m-a-week membership cost of the EU and Turkey’s desire to join the EU.

Well, Mr Cooper, both of these items are facts. In future we will not be paying in £350m-a-week (although only half of that will be available for initiatives like supporting the NHS) and Turkey does still want membership of the EU.

When we leave the EU, the cash-conscious EU leaders might be eager to have Turkey in their union to replace the money lost by our exit. But they will need to act quick as, with the Open Borders Policy, many Turks have probably moved in to the Euro-zone already.

If Mr Cooper is looking for true lies then he need look no further than Remainer George Osborne who told of each family losing up to £4,300 per week, of an immediate Brexit Budget and of a squeeze on pension payments. He also forecast a loss of jobs and closure of many businesses.

The statements made by the Leave campaign were checkable if you took the time and effort to investigate, whereas the statements made on behalf of Remain were, at best, speculative and, at worst, pure lies.

Mr Cooper is, unfortunately, another of these Remain voters who is just a bad loser.

Bill Fisher, Spennymoor