I DON’T know where some of your correspondents get their information from about funeral costs (HAS, Sept 6) but having recently buried my wife I have recent and actual facts to hand.

To purchase a plot, in Darlington I had to pay £800 to the council. In addition there was a charge of £750 to excavate the grave (and refill).

I understand that there is a cost for the plot but is the cost reasonable for what you get? Also is a charge of £750 for digging the grave (presumably by machine and probably not taking more than 20 to 30 minutes) reasonable?

Again I understand the need to charge but are local authorities taking advantage of the situation rather than charging a reasonable extra over and above the cost to them.

You can see therefore that even before the funeral director costs a price of around £1,500 is the minimum. Add car (hearse) and one for mourners plus the pall bearers you are not going to get much change from £2,000. Then add a coffin (which I assume is essential) and you are well past the £2,000 area.

I should add that a church service, which I had arranged, also boosts the cost and no doubt crematorium charges where appropriate vary. All adding up to not far short of £3,000 for a basic no frills affair.

The support and help of the funeral director, in my case David Grey of Whitehouse, was immense and worth every penny.

For those not prepared then now is the time to do so.

Eric Wilson, Darlington