ROYAL College of Nursing (RCN) members from Cumbria and the North-East travelled to London yesterday for a rally outside of the Houses of Parliament.

We’re calling on the UK Government to scrap the cap of one per cent which it has imposed on nursing pay rises since 2010.

The public sector pay cap has meant a 14 per cent real-terms fall in nursing pay since 2010, the effects of which have contributed to the shortage of 40,000 nurses across the UK.

Nursing staff are being forced to take second jobs and in some cases are having to use food banks.

As well as putting tremendous financial strain on nursing staff, pay levels have left some with no choice but to leave the profession as well as deterring people from pursuing a career in nursing.

It is not just nurses who are affected by this cap though, as evidence suggests that the shortage of nurses has a direct impact on the standards of patient care.

The RCN is asking the public to support our campaign to end the one per cent pay cap on nursing pay. Readers can show support by writing to their MP via

Gordon Lees and Trevor Peel, council members for RCN Northern region