I’VE just read your heart-rending item “Couple died in hospital beds moved side by side” (Echo, Sept 6).

At a time that the NHS nationally and Darlington Memorial Hospital locally is coming under such fire and criticism, it’s really pleasing to see that this particular act of compassion has taken place and indeed recognised by the couples loving family.

Well done to Sue Jacques and her obviously hugely caring staff. I can recall when acting in the town’s capacity as director of social services between 1996 and 2002 the constant difficulties we had trying to arrange for such solutions to take place, for a whole host of reasons.

Sadly the pressures on the care home market, demand for dementia care services, and the overwhelming demands and pressures now experienced by our hospitals will likely make such caring (in truth quite straightforward solutions), even less likely.

Nevertheless, it really is great to see such a compassionate approach being adopted by our local and much needed NHS hospital.

Colin Morris, Yarm