MY wife was present at another accident on the roundabout outside the Manor House in West Auckland at 8.45am on Tuesday, where a minibus was in a collision with a car driven by a young lady who was turning right.

This must be the worst roundabout in England.

There have been countless accidents which have gone unreported. I have seen three on top of yesterday’s one.

I have had many near misses at the roundabout and because I know the road well, I have managed to avoid being hit on several occasions. Once, a cyclist came flying down the road as I was turning right. I braked and he gave me a two fingered salute as he went hurtling past oblivious to the fact that it was a roundabout and he should have stopped.

I am convinced there will be a serious accident on this roundabout unless something is done. We take our grandchildren to school on a morning and I fear for their safety as we have to pass this roundabout.

Dave Bowes, West Auckland