I FEAR that VJ Connor overstepped the mark when referring to the “endless and mawkish media obsession with the life and death of Princess Diana” (HAS, Sept 2).

Diana came along when people needed to see some normality injected into the royal family. She came across as a caring loving mother and the nation warmed to her.

We found out she wasn’t the perfect royal – she wasn’t a subdued, under-the-thumb fake-smiling wife of a mistress fornicating Prince Charles. No, she was far more than that. She was beautiful. She was a mother.

She was an ambassador for many good causes. She was the “People’s Princess” whose smile during hospital visits would be as good as any medication.

We remember rock n roll stars like Elvis 40 years after their deaths, so why not remember the People’s Princess?

Fairy stories have a wonderful happy ending. Hers didn’t. She died in dreadful, controversial circumstances.

I believe if she were alive today, the world would be a better place.

She isn’t and she deserves to be remembered. She was hounded by the media when alive – the least they can do is remember her.

She tried to stand up against the established, bullying royals but paid the ultimate price. The question is: was she murdered?

John Cumberland, Rushyford

WHAT an excellent letter from VJ Connor (HAS, Sept 2). I agree wholeheartedly with everything single word he said about the “endless and mawkish” obsession with her death.

Geoff Gregg, Tursdale, County Durham