A LOT has been said and written about Darlington town centre recently, much of it sadly inaccurate, ill-informed and unhelpful.

That is frustrating, because our town centre is doing well and we, as a council, are doing lots to keep it healthy and competitive.

With the boom in online shopping, town centres are changing everywhere you look, not just in Darlington.

The Northern Echo should reflect the wider picture, rather than promoting the myth that our town centre is dying.

Darlington must be almost unique in having a leisure centre, multi-screen cinema and 1,000-seat theatre all within a few minutes’ walk in the town centre.

Major retailers have enough confidence in Darlington to make substantial investments – House of Fraser, Barker and Stonehouse, the Feethams leisure complex are all examples of a place designed to thrive.

Yes, it’s sad to lose high street favourites, but we are and will continue to work to attract new retailers and businesses to the town.

Is it working? I feel like a broken record, but I keep coming back to the fact that more than 90 per cent of shop units in Darlington are occupied. What better indicator is there?

I recently took a walk around the bustling Cornmill Centre, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year and boasts almost 100 per cent occupancy.

Interesting and quirky independents are cropping up all the time, such as the new vinyl store recently featured and the Create and Paint studio in Skinnergate.

I’d like to finish by issuing to a challenge to Darlington people – and the editor of The Northern Echo – to do their bit to champion our town centre.

Be proud, talk it up, and support town centre businesses. Spread the word at every opportunity, like I and others do and will continue to.

Councillor Chris McEwan, cabinet member for economy and regeneration, Darlington Borough Council