I FEEL that I must have my say regarding the NHS 111 service, following a critical letter (HAS, Aug 31) about another person’s experience.

Last September I became unwell while at work near Bedale. I sat in my car thinking about what to do.

I was too unwell to drive, and I thought that calling 999 for an ambulance was a bit dramatic, so I rang 111.

I was asked lots of questions about what was going on, medical history, and medication.

The lady I spoke to told me to stay put and don’t even think of driving away. She was going to see a senior clinician about me, and ring me back.

About fifteen minutes later she rang me and said there was an ambulance on the way.

After about ten minutes a paramedic car arrived with blue lights flashing, followed by an ambulance, also on blue lights. They took me to The Friarage Hospital in Northallerton where I stayed for three days.

You have to speak as you find, but obviously my experience of the 111 service is really positive.

John Hill, Darlington