MANY North-East residents will be disappointed to read the article headlined “Morale is low among region’s officers” (Echo, Aug 30).

The rank and file working for the North-East police forces do an excellent job on the ever decreasing thin blue line.

If one looks closely at the Police Federation survey they will see that it is mostly the northern police forces that are the most despondent, and the southern forces are more upbeat.

Listening to the Cleveland Police and Crime Commissioner on local radio, he said he wasn’t surprised at the results of the survey.

The police commissioner rightly blamed central government by reducing funding for police forces.

However if the post of police and crime commissioner was withdrawn as mooted when the former Labour leader Ed Miliband was looking to be PM then that would be a step in the right direction, bearing in mind like several in this highly paid job, they were against this Tory policy.

George Dunning, Ormesby