REGARDING Brexit, Bill Fisher of Spennymoor claimed that everybody who voted leave knew what they were voting for (HAS, Aug 30).

So why do people keep saying this “isn’t what they voted for”? Can I say that I voted leave because I believed I’d be better off and then moan that I didn’t vote for this when I’m not? None of us knew what we were voting for, including the politicians.

Steven Tulip, Crook.

YOUR correspondent Brian Sutherland (HAS, Aug 31) perpetuates the Brexiteer practice of making false claims by saying “the majority of people voted to come out of the EU”.

This is not true. A majority of people who voted did so but about a third of the electorate did not vote.

Perhaps many were like a friend who said she did not vote because she did not trust anything the politicians said.

Perhaps her stance is justified by the vanishing extra £350m a week for the NHS we were promised.

The reality is that there was too little detail about the consequences and problems which will arise if we come out.

The negotiations so far have highlighted this fact.

The Irish border was never mentioned but obviously it is a major sticking point.

The recent papers produced by the Government are vague and have already been dismissed as impracticable.

For those people who voted Brexit because of a concern about migration an open border would give easy access for illegal immigrants.

As more facts are revealed the case for a second referendum when the final deal is known becomes stronger.

Brian Fiske, Darlington

BREXITEERS talk of rule by Brussels as if we had no MEPs or any input to the European Commission.

It is rule by Europe of which we are part.

I do think the North-East gets far more money from the EU than we ever got or will get from this London-centric government.

Tom Cooper, Durham

THE terms of last year’s Brexit referendum were ill thought out.

There was no ‘Plan B’ to deal with the situation, if the people voted (as they did) for Brexit.

We have a situation now where countries who have gained financially through our membership are telling us what to do.

We should give the EU a fair settlement, based on the date of our exit and then pull the plug.

Ben Ord, Spennymoor