IT was very interesting reading the new Tees Valley mayor Ben Houchen’s column (Echo, Aug 28) headlined ‘PM’ s visit a key moment in our story’ and Terry Chapman’s letter ‘Mayor’s claims’ (HAS, Aug 28).

Many didn’t believe Ben Houchen would beat the odds-on Labour favourite for the new Tees Valley mayor.

Notwithstanding that piece of surprising recent political history, we have had PM Theresa May visiting the redundant Redcar SSI steel site.

One wonders why, if it was the Labour Tees Valley board members’ idea to ask the PM up to Teesside, it appeared on the TV three out of the five leaders were not around the table with her.

Maybe, like the Labour leader’s no show when Redcar SSI steel went down the tubes they weren’t expecting the PM to come.

However she did and we should look to get an early start on the 20,000 jobs promised.

George Dunning, Ormesby