UNTIL now Jeremy Corbyn has held the position that, under Labour, the UK would leave the single market and the customs union at the end of the Brexit process, in March 2019.

But, in a sudden U-turn, Labour is now saying that we should remain in both these EU straitjackets for an undetermined period that could well extend beyond any post-Brexit transitional arrangements (Echo, Aug 28).

Were this to come about, it will mean that all the things we voted against in the referendum will remain. Unrestricted immigration from Europe will continue, the UK will still be subject to the European Court of Justice, we shall be denied the right to make our own trade agreements.

Meanwhile, the UK will be forced to pay more countless billions into the EU’s coffers.

Labour’s machinations, masterminded by shadow Brexit secretary Keir Starmer, are undermining David Davis in his difficult talks with that wily EU negotiator, Michel Barnier.

Brexit is the most important national event for the UK since the war and, as in that conflict, Labour should be backing the government against the foe, not stabbing it in the back for political advantage.

Steve Kay, Redcar & Cleveland Independent Councillor