DAVID Davis has submitted to the EU negotiator Michel Barnier detailed documents prepared over several months outlining Britain’s position on Brexit, prior to further negotiations.

He has asked him to be flexible and imaginative during future negotiations. However he’s been immediately told that his documents aren’t detailed enough and according to Commission President Jean-Claude Junker, they lacked ‘clarity’.

In short, they’ve told him that he must go away and try again.

We shouldn’t really be surprised, I suppose. The number of EU documents outlining the rules required to sell duck eggs are several times more than those the Americans needed to describe the US constitution.

Time for a reality check. The EU has no intention of allowing us to leave. They clearly mean to spin out our negotiations for years and bore us into submission.

We must go now. World Trade Organisation rules and the wishes and needs of our European neighbours will protect us.

We must quietly negotiate with individual countries as needed to protect the rights of the ex-pat community and keep settled EU citizens here and the border in Ireland open.

Maybe Barnier and Junker will be able to get their heads around that.

Charlotte Bull, Darlington Ukip