JEREMY Corbyn has made a shrewd move by saying that Labour is ready to negotiate new terms to secure single market and customs union membership with better migration controls (Echo, Aug 28).

The collapse of the pound leading to higher prices, more expensive holidays, companies planning to relocate, NHS staff shortages and a multitude of other problems now surfacing as a result of Brexit is at last exposing the lies fed to the public by Johnson, Davis, Fox and co, aided and abetted by the Daily Mail, Sun and other multimillionaire moguls.

It amazed me at the time how Labour’s heartlands swallowed the lines they were being fed.

The penny is starting to drop that when those right wing Tory Brexiteers said they wanted to take back control what they really meant was taking back control of their ability to amend animal welfare rules, food quality standards, entitlement to paid holidays, maternity leave and other workers’ rights ‘imposed’ on them by the EU.

As the economic catastrophe unfolds they need to be held wholly accountable.

Steve Warren, Durham