IS it too much to hope that educated people will start and tell the truth about Brexit?

I read in The Northern Echo’s editorial the statement: “The fact is that no one really knows what kind of Brexit people voted for 14 months ago, because the question was never asked” (Echo, Aug 28).

Well pardon me for repeating Nigel Farage’s comment: “What is it you don’t understand about Leave?”

I am no brain of Britain but when there are only two options on the Referendum Ballot Paper – Remain or Leave – it is clear what you are voting for. If you wanted what we already have within the EU then you vote Remain. If you are not happy with the EU and all it entails then you vote Leave.

If you like some of the things in the EU but not all then you have a dilemma because there was no multiple choice selection.

So you make a choice between the two depending upon where your preferences are best met.

David Cameron, and many others, stood in the many debates and made it perfectly clear that there were only two options.

The EU, for all their faults, have made it clear that it is either all in or all out and yet still the waters are muddied by editorials like this.

Please stop adding confusion.

There is now no debate. The debate stopped the day the referendum took place. The choice was made and now the Government should carry out the wishes of the people and all the opposition parties should support the process of leaving the EU for the good of the nation.

Bill Fisher, Spennymoor