POOR Nick Clegg. Just eight weeks ago, there he was, with a job and probably not a care in the world. Despite being a Lib Dem MP, I have always thought he seems like a decent person.

Eight weeks later, thanks to Theresa May, Mr Clegg finds himself out of a job. Oh what an uncertain world we live in.

Perhaps now Mr Clegg will have the time to reflect on what it must be like for the ordinary people who have to live with this uncertainty on a daily basis, waiting for an agency to ring with the promise of a few hours work in a world full of temporary and zero hours contracts.

This is a culture created by the Conservatives and shamelessly propped up by Mr Clegg’s Lib Dems in the 2010 coalition government.

Mr and Mrs Clegg are millionaires so they won’t go without, unlike millions of others living on the breadline – in part due to his actions when in government.

Ronnie Chambers, Blackhall