AFTER this latest attack, which involved a jihadist extremist known to MI5, questions must be asked about the security services.

This was the third terror attack in the last three months. Surely a blind man and his dog would do a better job. These terrorists are openly expressing their hatred towards us and are still left to walk the streets of London.

Dave Bowes, West Auckland

IF the religious leaders of the ‘’religion of peace’’ do not speak out very loudly against the evil in their midst, they are part of the problem.

Alec Telford, Darlington

WE have all been stunned and appalled by the latest act of terrorism in our country. So many lives taken away, so many people seriously injured.

We have been told that acts of terror can happen anywhere. Here in the North-East, we have some smashing attractions, which are very popular.

I’m sorry if this may sound insensitive, but what will happen if our local A&E departments are closed or run down? This really is a time for the decision makers to keep our hospitals fully open. We cannot do without them.

My thoughts are with the families and friends of the deceased and injured. They must be numb, and going through hell.

John Hill, Darlington

I DO not understand the statement from Scotland Yard that its officers responded very quickly, within eight minutes, to Saturday night’s attack. It all started on London Bridge, a mirror Image of the last attack on Westminster Bridge.

Why weren’t there armed police or, better still, armed soldiers present on the bridges to stop it at once?

A hard line needs to be taken now. All perpetrators should not be named and their families should be deported with immediate effect.

This is our country and the blasé way these atrocities are being handled needs to be changed drastically.

J Richardson, Shildon