I WOULD like to say how appalled I was at the behaviour of some of the audience at The Northern Echosponsored debate on the future of local government in Durham.

The behaviour of some councillors in the audience at the city's Gala Theatre in shouting at the platform made many members of the audience feel intimidated.

I had hoped we had moved to a mature political debate in Durham.

Sadly, the Liberal Democrats seem happy, despite what they say about Punch and Judy politics, to continue to support this ridiculous type of behaviour.

MP Roberta Blackman-Woods is an excellent champion for our city.

She is supporting the unitary bid because she wants to improve services for everyone in Durham.

It is time for all our councillors, regardless of their political affiliations, to get behind her and start supporting our city.

Nicola Heaton, Durham.

HAVING attended The Northern Echo-sponsored debate on unitary local government, I had hoped to go along and listen to an informed debate and discussion.

Unfortunately, Liberal Democrat city and parish councillors thought the best way to listen to Durham residents was to make sure they asked every single question, stopping anyone else from having a say and to shout down anyone they disagreed with. Durham deserves better than this.

Kieren Walters, Durham.