I AM appalled to read of the anti- Semitic attitude being shown by certain people because of their ignorance of the facts, bias and listening to the lying propaganda put out by the Islamic militants in the Middle East and in this country.

I refer to the 130 British doctors who have called for a boycott of the Israeli Medical Association, the National Union of Journalists which has voted to boycott Israeli products, and the boycott of Israeli academics by the lecturers' union.

Why don't these people speak out against countries in the Middle East which are daily bombing Israeli towns? When Israel defends her country, they attack her.

The land of Israel belongs to the Jews, and she has the right to live in peace and defend herself against these belligerent countries. The Arabs in the Middle East pretend they want peace, but don't know the meaning of that word. Look at the infighting that's going on.

I am disgusted with these doctors and journalists. They demonstrate their ignorance of the situation.

They are pandering to the growing Muslim minority in this country, which is reflected in the news media.

Mrs P Springer, Hartlepool.