THERE is nothing wrong in Des More (HAS, May 25) feeling proud to be British.

I am Scottish and proud of it.

Scotland has always been a nation in its own right, albeit part of a union since 1707 when Scottish aristocrats with estates in England gave away their birthright and that of the Scottish people.

It was only right that after 300 years Scotland should have its own parliament. How anyone born in Scotland can fail to see that is beyond me - the question of independence has yet to be resolved.

Mr More cannot understand why some people hate Britain. Well, British history sometimes makes shameful reading.

On the other hand, Britain has many things to be proud of, in particular our NHS and public services and the right for everyone to express their view on every subject under the sun.

By all means be proud to be British, but don't ignore things which have given some people cause to hate us.

Rather, let's try and find out why they think as they do and try to put things right for our children's sake.

They will have to deal with the results of our actions.

Hugh Pender, Darlington.