HAVE any of your other readers run into British Gas' policy of not doing home visits?

My partner and I have been told by phone that we are £500 plus in debt to BG over two bills which we still haven't received. We went to see the Citizen's Advice Bureau who, with us, asked BG to come out and discuss this with us. BG replied: "We don't do home visits." So we asked them to send someone to check on our two gas appliances and again we were told: "We don't do home visits."

The CAB found out that these elusive bills were estimated, because BG couldn't get in to read the meter - odd, I thought, as the gas meter is outside the garage wall, behind a glass window that the reading can be seen through.

So we asked British Gas to come and read the meter while we were at home. The reply was: "We don't do home visits."

I am now left wondering how anybody manages to get their meters read.

Thomas Philip O'Connor and Susan Ebdon, West Auckland.