I SYMPATHISE with Christopher Wardell's criticism of those who castigate this country, but fail to emigrate (HAS, May 21).

In the same vein, can I invite those who agree with our immigration policies to migrate to some Islamic country? This is what this country will be in 60 years time, on current trends.

As Oliver Cromwell said: "In the name of God, go."

Of course this country is arguably a good place to live, despite its deficiencies, in which case it is fair enough to point to the deficiencies while staying. But there is a strange contrast between sun worshippers, a large proportion of who go to live in sunnier climes, and multiculturalism worshippers, almost none of whom chose to live in an Islamic country.

I conclude that sun worshippers are sincere, whereas the motives of mulitculturalists are suspect.

Ralph Musgrave, Durham.

CHRISTOPHER Wardell makes a valid point (HAS, May 21).

If those that oppose our history, freedoms and established church hate this country so much then why do they burden the rest of us that are actually proud to be British?

I am disgusted at times at the anti- Western rants in Hear All Sides accusing this country of being part of a persecution against innocents in Iraq and Afghanistan. There are those who seem to believe that terrorist attacks and the killing of our troops are somehow justified based on a perverted perception of our foreign policy.

I am disgusted that our national flag is considered a symbol of hate in the twisted minds of the facist left and self righteous liberals and not celebrated as the flag of unity that it is.

I am disgusted that there are those that are desperate to embrace a European Union while celebrating the break up of the United Kingdom.

As a British citizen born in Glasgow I am saddened that Labour began the break up when it needlessly created a Scottish parliament. I am and always will be proud to be British. I am just ashamed of those who are not.

Des More, Darlington.