WHAT a picture the photograph of Philip Twizell (Echo, Sept 18) with his flock of hens made.

Mr Twizell has planted thousands of trees on his farm in West Newbiggin to keep his flock stress-free.

His consideration for their welfare is most commendable.

At one time, many railwaymen kept a few hens to supplement their breakfasts. The clucking of a group of hens is not often heard these days and many breeds are no longer about.

Our headmaster kept some hens in the school garden, and in class, he sometimes lectured on the different types of hens at that time. I recall Buff Orpingtons, White Wynedottes, Rhode Island Reds and White Sussex, all being the subject of his talks in class. Illustrations were also included.

I hope that Mr Twizell is proved correct in his theory, that more trees means more eggs.

GH Grieveson, Richmond.