IT IS time there were adverts on television warning dog owners of the dangers of leaving pets alone in a hot car this summer.

A dog left in a hot car can very quickly develop heatstroke symptoms such as restlessness, heavy panting, rapid heartbeat, fever and lack of coordination. This is because on a 78-degree day the temperature inside a parked can soar to between 100 and 120 degrees in a matter of minutes.

It is most distressing to know that our beloved pets can sustain brain damage, or even die, from heatstroke in just 15 minutes.

Unfortunately, many people seem to think that it is okay to leave a dog in a car if a window is partially left open, but in reality this has no profound effect on the temperature inside a parked car. The only safe answer is, if you truly love your pet dog leave him or her at home on a balmy day.

Aled Jones, Bridlington.