I AM writing concerning the news that the Head of Steam Museum, in North Road, Darlington, has been saved (Echo, June 24) and the town is bidding for World Heritage status based on its railway heritage.

The Friends of the Stockton and Darlington Railway are very pleased and welcome the news that the museum is going to be saved.

It is an integral part of the vision of the Friends to identify, preserve, promote and develop the 1825 Stockton and Darlington Railway line as an educational, cultural and historic site of international significance and to develop its recreational, economic and tourism potential. The Friends will work with Darlington Borough Council to ensure that the museum, and its site, have a healthy and sustainable future.

I have made it perfectly clear to the leader of Darlington Borough Council, Bill Dixon, councillors Chris McEwan and Nick Wallis and the chief executive that the Friends will support a bid for World Heritage status but it must be one for County Durham, Darlington and Stockton where the 1825 line ran through.

The Friends are firmly committed to the economic regeneration of the towns and villages along the route of the 1825 line. Hopefully this can come from heritage tourism.

Alan MacNab, secretary, Friends of the Stockton and Darlington Railway.