AFTER racking up a total bill of more than £30m and eight months of legal argument Rebekah Brooks, the former chief executive of News International, is cleared of all hacking charges.

The only guilty verdict went to Andy Coulson, the former editor of The News of the World and David Cameron’s disgraced head of communications.

David Cameron’s response to Coulson’s guilty verdict was: “I’m extremely sorry that I employed him.”

This despite Mr Cameron being strongly advised by senior politicians not to have anything to do with Mr Coulson.

I mean, a total cost of £30m is disgusting.

Surely, for this case to even get to court the prosecution must have had some damming evidence?

John Cumberland, Rushyford.

DAVID CAMERON may go down in history castigated for his lack of judgement in appointing Andy Coulson.

Who is there who has not reached the wrong conclusion about the fitness of another person for a job?

Who is there who can look directly into the soul of someone else and know for a fact they are lying or being economical with the truth?

Mr Cameron is right in my opinion to want to negotiate better terms for our membership of the European Union and give us a vote on whether we stay in. If he succeeds in doing this he should be remembered for this achievement Clearly, Mr Cameron saw how Tony Blair deferred to Rupert Murdoch and won elections and concluded that there was logic in following suit

G Bulmer, Billingham.