SO, Bill Dixon, the leader of Darlington Borough Council, thinks it appropriate (Echo, June 21) to use that old cliché: “If you want an omelette you have to break eggs”.

What a lot of tosh !

The council is installing another inefficient lightcontrolled crossing at Stonebridge roundabout to “improve” the traffic flow.

This is nonsense as proved by the horrendous traffic jams I encountered Saturday morning, along with hundreds of other drivers.

This medicine is far worse than the illness it’s supposed to cure.

I have never been in such a nightmare traffic jam since I moved north away from Watford and north London.

One does not want to return there, I can tell you.

I arranged to collect a golf trolley from Darlington Golf Club, Salters Lane, but after 30 minutes frustration in traffic I retired from the fray and turned back to South Park covering seven miles in one hour, failing in my mission completely.

I very much doubt the expense of £3.7m and complete disruption for another eight months will be worth the candle, so to speak.

The additional lightcontrolled crossing will be a failure like all the other ones where traffic is kept waiting on red lights while only phantom people are on the crossing.

And as for the silly, timewasting through-about in Haughton Road, it should be converted into a conventional roundabout straightaway.

Malcolm Dunstone, Darlington .